Sustainable Business Practices

Benefits of being a Sustainable Business.
Businesses which demonstrate environmental integrity are likely to do well at the same time as doing good. Sustainable businesses prosper by creating and attracting business and revenue, while also looking after the environment and communities in which they are conducting their business.

 By becoming a sustainable business you can;

  • Become more eco-efficient and therefore cut costs of energy, transport and waste
  • Become more carbon proof – pay less for resources necessary to doing business and charge less for materials purchased by customers
  • Become more productive - do more with less, which ultimately means sourcing and paying for less.
  • Generate increased loyalty and trust from stakeholders and customers
  • Heighten your profile as a responsible corporate citizen and therefore improve your public profile – do the right thing
  • Generate new markets and networks
  • Gain a comparative advantage in the market place
  • Become more viable as a business in which others may wish to invest
  • Ensure ongoing regulatory compliance in an era where this pressure will heighten rather than lessen
  • Meet the increasing demand from customers to be green

In the Nielsen’s 2014 global survey on Corporate Social Responsibility, 30,000 internet users across 60 countries were surveyed on their willingness to put their money where their convictions lie by supporting sustainable businesses. More than half (55%) of global respondents in Nielsen’s corporate social responsibility survey say they are willing to pay extra for products and services from companies that are committed to positive social and environmental impact—an increase from 50 percent in 2012 and 45 percent in 2011. Regionally Asia-Pacific lead with 64% of respondents indicating their dedication to making a change with their dollar.

Being a sustainable business has many benefits and companies are quick to see that current consumers are interested and supportive of products and companies that can make an environmental/eco claim. As clearly shown in Nielsen’s 2014 global survey, it is big business. 

As such it’s important to remember while paving the way to being a sustainable business that you make sure you are in line with current marketing regulations which can be viewed at the ACCC Website. Companies making environmental or ‘green’ claims are required by law to “ensure that their claims are scientifically sound and appropriately substantiated. Consumers are entitled to rely on an environmental claims you make and to expect these claims to be truthful.”

Carbon proofing businesses – the not-so-dirty dozen!

 Some of the ways businesses may choose to carbon proof their business include:
  1. Reduce energy consumption
  2. Use renewable energy sources
  3. Adopt a sustainable procurement policy which ensures the purchase of carbon-proofed goods from suppliers
  4. Reduce, re-use or recycle waste
  5. Redesign transport arrangements
  6. Redesign water use strategies
  7. Encourage and support staff, suppliers and customers to work and live sustainably
  8. Run awareness and action programs for staff, suppliers and customers
  9. Join as a way of connecting and monitoring progress in the business
  10. Set up a Green Street Business Precinct via
  11. Set up a Green Street program in the business by enrolling in the Green Street Champion’s Preparation Program for workplaces
  12. Set up a Sustainability Plan that focuses people on taking practical action
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